Revolutionary new therapy for erectile dysfunction

A revolutionary device has been created for the therapy of erectile dysfunction. This is a self contained, comfortable, external device which can be tailor-made for any individual with erectile dysfunction. It does not require medication, and allows excellent penetration, excellent thrusting, while wearing the device.

The design of this device began ten years ago, but has been improved upon, so that now it is even more comfortable and effective. It is easy to apply and use, feels natural to the sexual partner, and allows excellent sexual penetration.

This is a revolutionary device, does not require medication, is easier to apply than the Vacuum Erection Device, and results in extremely satisfying sexual intercourse for both parties. The device can be tailor-made to fit any man.

Clinical studies to date have demonstrated excellent results with this revolutionary new device. The ease of use, the comfort, the great enjoyment of sexual contact has immensely improved the quality of life for men suffering with diabetes mellitus, vascular insufficiency, and neurological disorders. It is a must have device in the armamentarium of any physician treating male patients with erectile dysfunction. It can even be used in conjunction with medical management in situations where the medication alone is insufficient to allow complete sexual satisfaction.

I recommend the use and availability of this revolutionary new device in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Israel Berger, M.D.
Urological Surgery

FDA registered food and drug administration
Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
australian department of health
logo ministry of health india