We finally have had some great sex for the first time in many years!
“For the past 10 years I’ve been dealing with type 2 diabetes and subsequently have had ED issues to deal with also. I’m 69 years old and my wife and… Read more “We finally have had some great sex for the first time in many years!”
I can’t believe that finally I have the support I need to finally please my beautiful wife
“I feel like I am a young 71 year old and within the last two years I could not get any erections;It was quite humiliating. I was even considering a… Read more “I can’t believe that finally I have the support I need to finally please my beautiful wife”
The Erektor is the next best thing. I hope all the men in the world suffering from ED find this and order it!
“I am a 53 year old man who discovered in my early 40’s that I was a diabetic. Prior to the disease I enjoyed a healthy sex life with a… Read more “The Erektor is the next best thing. I hope all the men in the world suffering from ED find this and order it!”
I wish all doctors knew of this product, it has changed everything for us
“My husband and I are so grateful we found this product. Due to diabetes, we were unable to have the kind of intimacy we wanted. We tried pills, pumps, and… Read more “I wish all doctors knew of this product, it has changed everything for us”
I came across the Erektor…..what a change
“I am 72 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes two years ago. Lately I had problems maintaining my erection. I began searching the internet for solutions for ed and… Read more “I came across the Erektor…..what a change”
Your product has relieved a lot of emotional stress
“I am so glad I found your product. I had diabetes for 10 years before I started having ED trouble. As my trouble progressed Cialis didn’t help. By changing my… Read more “Your product has relieved a lot of emotional stress”
I would recommend for anyone suffering from ED
“After suffering ED from diabetes I was using prescription pills that caused undesirable side effects. So we tried the Erektor and it works great no side effects, confidence that I… Read more “I would recommend for anyone suffering from ED”
With diabetes I can experience numbness which can lead to losing my erection. With this device that situation is eliminated.
“The product does what it says. Keeps you in the action. Having Diabetes presents unique challenges at least for me. Sometimes you can get an erection that stays and sometimes… Read more “With diabetes I can experience numbness which can lead to losing my erection. With this device that situation is eliminated.”
The Erektor is the only remedy that has worked for us. It has allowed us to resume having intercourse, so it’s truly been a godsend.
“Problems with maintaining erections have developed gradually over about a decade, and seem to be associated in our case with Type 2 diabetes. We tried PDE5 oral meds (Viagra, Cialis,… Read more “The Erektor is the only remedy that has worked for us. It has allowed us to resume having intercourse, so it’s truly been a godsend.”
Once the device arrived and we tried it out, she no longer had concerns – and the sexual experience was the best we had in years!
“As a 72 y/o with diabetes and taking medications for other medical conditions, I started experiencing ED. I spoke with my Dr. about it but was only recommended to try… Read more “Once the device arrived and we tried it out, she no longer had concerns – and the sexual experience was the best we had in years!”
I purchased the Erektor for my husband and thank you for giving us back our ability to connect in this particularly intimate way
“I purchased the Erektor for my husband and thank you for giving us back our ability to connect in this particularly intimate way. While we have been able to retain… Read more “I purchased the Erektor for my husband and thank you for giving us back our ability to connect in this particularly intimate way”
Literally, within a minute or two it was on – and I had immediate results, that we’re better than I expected
Due to being diabetic spontaneous sex has been hit or miss. I’ve tried several medication approaches, which have worked, but I’m not happy with the side effects. I made it… Read more “Literally, within a minute or two it was on – and I had immediate results, that we’re better than I expected”
Wow! I have been diabetic for 20 years and have been unable to achieve penetration for 2. I was ready to give up until I discovered this product
Wow! I have been diabetic for 20 years and have been unable to achieve penetration for 2 years. I was ready to give up until I discovered this product. The… Read more “Wow! I have been diabetic for 20 years and have been unable to achieve penetration for 2. I was ready to give up until I discovered this product”
It really works and works well and guess what no side effects
I am diabetic and have high bp both controlled. But my medicines have given me ED. Cialis and Viagra cause blindness and this has been confirmed now and the fda… Read more “It really works and works well and guess what no side effects”
All I can say is thank you, thank you!
My ED is caused by type 2 diabetes. I could get hard, but only for a few minutes, and never long enough for penetration. For two years I searched the… Read more “All I can say is thank you, thank you!”
I am a life changed by The Erektor
I have had ED for five years due to diabetes. Four years ago, I underwent incredibly painful surgery to get a penile implant pump. Because I had a high A1C,… Read more “I am a life changed by The Erektor”
Both my wife and I think it’s an amazing product and well worth the cost.
I was diagnosed with diabetes over 10 years ago. I didn’t really think much about it at the time or how it, and the medication prescribed, would affect me physically.… Read more “Both my wife and I think it’s an amazing product and well worth the cost.”