It works great! It has really helped me connect with my partner and restore my confidence as a man

I had RFF phalloplasty a few years ago and had a semi-rigid rod implant a year postoperative. However, the rod felt unnatural to me. I couldn’t move right; it felt like my hips couldn’t move properly and I was just stuck waddling. It became painful as the rod moved out of position. A few months after the semi-rigid rod implant, the rod eroded out of the tip of the phallus. It was incredibly painful as it made its way through the skin. I had to have it removed. I considered re-doing the implant with the pump, but the idea of having surgery every 2-5 years to replace it was just intolerable for me emotionally and for my budget. In addition, each surgery has an increased risk of infection, loss of feeling, or damage to the urethra. That’s when I got the Erektor. First of all, make sure you get the right size. If it is too big, it will fall off during intercourse and can cause discomfort or even pain for both you and your partner. If it is too small, it will constrict blood flow and can be painful. Having the right size makes all the difference! Due to swelling from surgery, I needed to change size. Customer service was great in working with me to make sure that I had the right size. They were responsive and professional. I felt very cared for as a customer. Secondly, it works great! It has really helped me connect with my partner and restore my confidence as a man.

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Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
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