My ED is caused by type 2 diabetes. I could get hard, but only for a few minutes, and never long enough for penetration. For two years I searched the internet for something/anything that would allow me to penetrate my wife again. I’m not sure how I found your site, but there it was, and your product made so much sense, I always felt that if I could just get in, I would be okay.
I saw your video, which is perfect because its a live person (not animated), and I knew it had to work. I ordered the measurement kit, and then The Erektor. It has been godsend, your product has changed our lives, my wife loves it. No more apprehension, we know I can get in, anytime we want, and we go at it, anytime we want.
I have since ordered and extra Erektor and the tickler also, I am set. All I can say is thank you, thank you!